Executive Summary

Investus Digital Bank's ICO/IEO Whitepaper unveils a vision to disrupt the banking industry through an innovative super banking application. The primary objective is to make financial services universally accessible and affordable, challenging industry giants such as Robinhood and Revolut. What sets Investus apart is its commitment to offering zero trading fees for cryptocurrencies and stocks, eliminating barriers that often hinder investors' profitability.

The inspiration for Investus is drawn from Instagram's massive success in monetizing its platform, mainly through the sale of blue verification checks. In April 2023, Instagram reported a remarkable achievement, selling 44 million blue verification checks within a single day, generating an astonishing $660 million in revenue. This underlines the tremendous potential of the digital economy, and Investus aims to harness this potential to reshape the banking landscape.

Investus' ICO/IEO pricing strategy mirrors Instagram's approach, with a presale ICO/IEO price of 12 USDT per 1 INV and an ICO/IEO price of 15 USDT. The Investus token, INV, serves as the backbone of the ecosystem, enabling various transactions and interactions within the super banking application. By participating in this ICO/IEO, investors align themselves with a vision to redefine banking and create a more inclusive and affordable financial future for people worldwide. Join us in this exciting journey to revolutionize the banking industry.